South Korean technology giants Samsung has introduced its modular MicroLED display “The Wall” in the Indian market. This comes as good news to people who love watching their favorite movies or sporting events onbig screens. “The Wall” TV that is available in varying sizes of 146 inches, 219 inches and 292 inches is going to cost you around Rs. 3.5 Crores to Rs. 12 Crores. Well, this is quite remarkable if we are to go with the numerous benefits that are destined to come your way after making a purchase.
To offer the best screen watching experience, The Wall tends to optimize the quality of pictures scene-by-scene regardless of the original source resolution. To achieve this successfully, the company behind it has included a Quantum Processor Flex enabled with AI picture quality engine. For those who might not know, Quantum Processor Flex is a machine learning-based picture quality engine aimed at analyzing millions of data. Through this action, it will prove quite easy for the screen to automatically calibrate the original low-resolutionimage as per the display.
Thanks to the numerous features included in The Wall, owners can experience never seen before picture quality in the comfort of their homes. Actually, the screen boasts of a depth less than 30mmmaking it slimmer than most televisions in the market. The bezel-less infinity together with its slim design means the display will blend seamlessly into its surroundings. The Wall’s display comes in different ratios including the 146-inch in 4K definition, 219-inch in 6K definition and the 292-inch in 4K definition. If this is not enough, The Wall is available in a professional version that is geared towards high-end retail spaces and businesses called The Wall Pro.
To experience what The Wall has to offer, you will have to purchase one for yourself. Luckily, this is something you are never going to worry about since it has already been made available to the Indian market. However, you should be ready to visit the Samsung Executive Briefing Centre in Gurugram to purchase The Wall Luxury that is meant for gaming and home cinema.