Instant messaging app WhatsApp has made a number of changes, keeping in mind the convenience of users in the past. Recently, the ‘Audio Picker’ has been offered by What’sapp with the new ‘User Interface’ (UI). This allows users to send 30 audio files at a time. Now the news is that there is an upcoming feature in WhatsApp that will not allow you to take a screen shot of chat. Trial of this feature is being done by messaging app.
Whatsapp testing new feature
According to WABetaInfo, who is providing information about whatsapp, this feature is being tested on behalf of the messaging app. The new feature will give users the option of not allowing a screenshot of chat. This is going to come with another authentication facility for Android users, who will use fingerprints. What is being done by Whatsapp is about testing this feature is to prevent the leaking of sensitive information from the user.
Steps being taken in view of confidentiality
On behalf of the company it was said that this feature is being brought to the user with the user’s privacy in mind. It’s easy to take a screenshot of WhatsApp Chat and share it with other users. This came to the notice of some users confronting privacy at times. This new feature coming from WhatsApp will not be completely prevented from spreading an uncontrolled message, but this feature will definitely work as an obstacle.
Such features have already been given to users from Snapchat and Facebook too. You do not have full permission for screenshots in Facebook’s Privacy shield option. You cannot trigger notifications to other party However, it is also being said that many users will dislike such features.