After long anticipation, Apple upgraded its budget iPad mini family last month with the launch of the iPad mini (2019) version. This new 2019 version of iPad mini is named as iPad mini 5. While the design of this new iPad mini looks similar to the one that has been released last in 2015- the iPad 4, the company had made some internal changes which were revealed when the device was torn down.
iFixit team has put this iPad mini through its standard teardown practice to find the changes that have been made. This teardown has easily depicted how iPad mini is better when compared to its predecessor. The hardware components were detailed accurately. The teardown has also highlighted the fact that the iPad mini is not a scaled down version of iPad air which has got some significant upgrades in terms of display, camera, and processor.
The ifixit team has remarked that there is one of the most critical exterior change between the iPad mini 4 and new iPad mini. This new iPad has a fresh model number- A2133 on the chassis. Apple has also removed all the regulatory markings from this new model. The company has also ditched these regulatory markings from iPhone X, iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus back in 2017.
Unlike the previous model which had a 1.2- megapixel front camera, this new iPad mini will have a 7-megapixel front camera with an f/2.2 lens. The company claims that this iPad is equipped with the same camera setup that was present in 10.5 inches iPad Pro. The engineers’ team from iFixit has also found that the microphone is sitting very close to the selfie camera. The teardown has revealed that this iPad mini has Bluetooth v5.0 support and 3 GB of RAM.