A household name in India, Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj continues to attract the attention of many. Actually, his accolades are not only known in India, but worldwide. And this is easy to see why if the things he has done to make the world a better place to live in are anything to go with.
If you have no idea about who we are referring to here, then there is nothing to worry about since you’ve just come to the right place. In this article, we will take you through some of the things you probably didn’t know about Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj.
Who is Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj?
Before going any further, it is important that you know who he is and what makes him that popular. To cut the long story short, Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj is a Commando Trainer, Action Designer, Motivational Speaker, Action Choreographer, and a renowned actor. He also happens to be the founder and Chief Manager at SASS9 and the Founder Trustee of Mission Prahar. For those who might not know, Mission Prahar aims to educate and train people in the areas of self-discipline, self-awareness, and self-defense.
Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj Achievements
The list of Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj will certainly leave you perplexed. And this is easy to see why considering not many can be able to achieve what he has done during his lifetime. To give you a tip of the iceberg, he is well-vast in survival tactics, unarmed combat, self-defense protection, and anti rape tactics. All these tactics have been shared to over 39 lakh women through Mission Prahar. What’s make it even way more interesting is that the training is offered to women free of charge.
What makes him standout from the rest is that he is the only foreign citizen and first-ever Indian citizen to have completed the graduation certificate and PhD certificate. This he did in Israel in the most lethal counter-insurgency, counter-terrorism, and wholly equipped urban combat. No wonder he has trained the likes of Tiger Shroff, Shradda Kapoor, Aaran Chaudhary, and many more.
About Mission Prahar
Mission Prahar was founded in 1999. The main intention of starting this mission is to train and empower the Indian women community. This is made possible thanks to his personally invented Mission Prahar Training Systems that has its roots from MITTI Art’s extreme self-defense survival tactics across rural India.
In Conclusion
Now that you know some of the things touching on Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj, why not give his training programmes a try? Some of the programmes you can settle on include Extreme Fitness Routine, Shifuji’s Modern Kalaripayattu, Law Enforcement Training program, and many more.
Remember, the training programme you settle on is entirely based on your preference and needs. To find out more about Grandmaster Shifuji, simply pay a visit to his official website. Here, you can find answers to all your questions without necessarily having to go through a lot.