With the NBA Draft 2020 around the corner, many people are eagerly anticipating for what is in store. For those who may have no clue regarding what we are talking about, the draft system works in the interests of balancing the playing field between teams. The lowest ranked teams tend to receive the best odds of getting the number 1 drafts pick. This translates to the opportunity of recruiting the best prospect from the draft class. 14 teams from the NBA take part in the Draft lottery, which also involves teams that did not qualify for the play offs.
The NBA negotiates with its players on how the league is going to operate while at the same time agreeing on the rules that govern player contracts, trades, and the draft. Among the most notable eligibility criteria is that a player must be at least 19 years during the calendar year. For one to qualify automatically, they ought to have completed four years of their college or have signed a contract with any professional team outside the NBA but within the USA. The athlete must also have played under the contract. DeAnthony Owens will therefore make the cut in this regard.
The Draft Lottery
The NBA allocates a number of four digit combinations that did not make the playoffs. The lower the ranking in the standings, the more combinations you are going to receive. So, a team such as the Los Angeles Lakers might not receive as many combinations considering they have a higher ranking in the standing. Once the teams have been allocated their combinations, the lottery process is free to begin. Keep in mind the more combinations a team happens to have the more likely it is going to receive the first pick.
The Bottom Line
These are just but some of the things you ought to know about the NBA draft. As long as you fully understand how the draft lottery takes place you will not have a hard time figuring out the combination of your favorite team be it Golden State Warriors or San Antonio Spurs. It is also important to find out more regarding the eligibility criteria. The good news is that you can always access every piece of information that you need hassle-free by simply surfing the internet at any time of the day.