One of the toughest decisions that homeowners have to make when remodeling their kitchens is choosing the right color scheme for their cabinets. White is always a top option in the kitchen that homeowners can fall back to when they don’t have any other ideas.
So, are white shaker kitchen cabinets ideal for you? The only way you can determine the right answer to this is by comparing the pros and cons.
The benefits of white cabinets
Here are some of the top benefits that you will get when you have white cabinets in your kitchen.
- A clean-looking kitchen
There is no doubt that white brings out the best of your kitchen. If you want the kitchen to appear clean, you should install white cabinets.
- Makes the kitchen look bigger
If you have a small kitchen space, you might benefit a lot from white shaker kitchen cabinets. The color white is known for reflecting light, which makes the kitchen appear larger than it is. It is a great benefit for homeowners with smaller kitchens.
- Elegant look
For many years, the white color has been used in the kitchen as a representation of elegance. This is not bound to change anytime soon as many homeowners still use the color as a show of elegance.
- Increases resale value
A majority of people still prefer a white kitchen. White shaker kitchen cabinets can work well in your kitchen to increase the value of your home since it matches the demand of the market. If you are planning to sell your home, you can get a lot of money by improving the look of your kitchen.
Drawbacks of a white kitchen
Some of the reservations that you should be aware of about a white kitchen include:
- Gets dirty easily
White shaker kitchen cabinets attract dirt easily. This means that you have to wipe or clean your cabinets constantly to keep them clean. It is an extra task that you must know before you decide to have white cabinets installed in your kitchen.
- Feels cold
The color white is very cold and most people find it too clinical. It needs a lot of warm lighting to make it a great place to spend time in.
- Show wear and tear
As your cabinets start wearing and tearing, the color white does not hide the unwanted wear and tear.
Final say:
You just need to consider these pros and cons before settling on white shaker kitchen cabinets as your choice for the next kitchen remodeling project.